Multiple Lane Closures beginning on January 31, 2018

GREENSBORO, NC (January 26, 2018) – Due to sewer line rehabilitation work, the following lanes will be closed.

* Beginning on Wednesday, January 31 through Friday, February 2, one lane of South Holden Road between Spring Garden Street and Wendover Avenue will be closed from 9am to 4pm daily

* Beginning on Monday, January 29 through Friday, February 2, Cedar Street between Battleground Avenue and Smith Street will have one lane closed from 9am to 4pm daily

* Beginning on Monday, February 5 through Friday, February 17, Spring Street between Battleground Avenue and Bellemeade Street will have one lane closed from 9am to 4pm daily

Directional signage will be in place and motorists are encouraged to utilize alternate routes to avoid the area. Dates and times may change due to weather or last minute changes in the work schedule.