Durham Hosts Small Local Business Enterprise Networking Event
RSVP Requested by May 2
What: Small Local Business Enterprise Program (SLBE) Networking Event
Who: City of Durham Equal Opportunity/Equity Assurance Department
When: Thursday, May 11, 2017, from 5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.
Where: City Hall Council Chambers
101 City Hall Plaza, First Floor
Durham, N.C. 27701
Fast Facts:
The City of Durham Small Local Business Enterprise (SLBE) Program works to increase employment opportunities for residents while enhancing the community’s tax base. The program promotes City contracting opportunities for small local construction, architectural, engineering, and surveying businesses located in Durham, Orange, Person, and Chatham Counties.
This free networking event will share more information about the City’s SLBE Program, connect participants with other SLBE firms, and share upcoming contracting opportunities with the City. At the conclusion of the event, a reception with refreshments will also be provided.
Participants are asked to RSVP by May 2 to Equal Opportunity/Equity Assurance Specialist
Angela Henderson by email or by calling (919) 560-4180, ext. 17244.