Durham County, Partnership for Children and the Child Care Services Association hosting Early Childhood Community Forum

Durham County, Partnership for Children and the Child Care Services Association hosting Early Childhood Community Forum

Event will be Saturday, March 10th from 9 a.m.-noon

Durham, N.C. – Durham County, along with the Partnership for Children and Child Care Services Association, will host an Early Childhood Community Forum on Saturday, March 10 from 9 a.m.-noon at the Health and Human Services Building, 414 East Main St. The forum will give parents, caregivers and other interested citizens a chance to provide input and guidance for how Durham County can give children a great start in life while suggesting opportunities to thrive.


Participants will also hear important updates on initiatives for young children and information on the 100 Counties – Helping Children Thrive Initiative, the Pathways to Grade Level Reading, and recent reports – including the 2017 State of Durham County’s Young Children and 2017 Pre-K Task Force Report. Currently, approximately 36,000 children ages 0-8 live in Durham. Of those, 71 percent are minority and 26 percent live in a household at or below the poverty level and only 38 percent enter kindergarten ready to learn. Already, task forces have formed or are forming around the five major recommendations from the State of the Durham Young Children’s report. Those five areas are: Social and Emotional Health, Improved Birth Outcomes, Increased Early Learning Opportunities, Expansion of Education and Support Services, and Improved Data collection.


For more information, go to www.dconc.gov; or contact the Durham County Clerk to the Board’s office at (919) 560-0025 or clerk@dconc.gov.